When it’s time to push, the delivery is just around the corner. Giving up at such critical time is at your own peril and the baby’s. So, push when the time comes even with the pain at its peak, push. Don’t give up as the process is almost complete.

Living everyday offers one opportunities and seizing them or leaving them is purely a personal decision to be made. However, whichever way one goes, life continues because time never stops but in constant motion to timelessness. And, the difference between us all as we live is largely dependent on the vision we pursue, the purpose for which we live – this is no doubt why where one stops, is where another starts – what one abandons is what another is pursuing vigorously – the time you are rounding up a project is when another is preparing to start and so the circle continues and this is truly in another perspective the folly of the life we live. So, it will be an act of arrogance for anyone to conclude in his mind that no one is like him or could be like him again because of the heights he may have attained – just remember, before you, there were many and after you, many will still come – life is sure a circle and the living today can only be remembered when he is gone by what he did while living.

Taking an illustration from a pregnant woman from conception to delivery, three major stages can easily be figured out – The Conception, The Pregnancy and The Labour/Delivery.

The Conception – at this stage, there is the joy to venture. The exercise at this stage is very sweet. There seems to be no challenge in life at all, as the ride is very interesting and all in the head here is the joy of the moment. Yes, imagine the moment you are all alone dreaming of that business venture, those lofty ideas – the only thing here is the beauty of what we are conceiving. It’s extremely difficult to think of what this conception may lead to eventually – the time frame to delivery, what happens during the pregnancy wouldn’t be much a concern at this point because of the power and emotions we put in here.

The Pregnancy – this stage is a very long journey and what happens here most times are beyond one’s control. At this stage even one who enjoys the conception process with you could abandon you in some situations thinking that you are making up some of the challenges that comes with the pregnancy. In life’s ventures, after sharing your visions and you move into action to execute, even those who cheer you up at the initial stage could abandon you because they may not know that it will cost them giving you the much they do. Many obstacles would come one’s way that sometimes many abort the pregnancy – they couldn’t bear the pain and that ends journey of what would have been the birth of the best ever in the world. At this stage, endurance, perseverance, patience and all characters that can make one stand firm to delivery are the most needed here.

The Labour/Delivery – This is the peak of it all. This stage can make or mar one. If one pushes ignoring all the pains that comes with the delivery then the baby will come but if one gives up, either the person or the baby dies or both will. If you endure pregnancy to the point of delivery, don’t ever contemplate giving up. I mean when in the pursuit of your dreams, the very purpose for which you live and the pains, betrayals, deceptions, set-ups and blackmails become much, just look back through the journey so far and know that the journey is about to come to an end so you don’t give up at this stage. If you do, chances are that you may never rise again.

On a personal note, this is my 12th year on the ARISE IGALA Project and it came to a point that it seems the whole world is crashing on me – the unimaginable happening even from supposed closed family, friends and associates but by the grace of God, I have gone through that fire and now I can see the refined me emerging. And, the ARISE IGALA Television will take off soon and only then it will obvious that the delivery took place successfully. So, I encourage you reading this never to give up. You too can make it.





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